Community Market

Fridays 3 to 5 p.m.

About the Community Market

                St. Peter’s has a long tradition of providing food for neighbors who have trouble feeding their families.  Seven years ago, a small food closet was transformed into the Community Market, a layout of free groceries open every Friday from 3:00-5:00 in the Parish Hall for all who need food assistance.  Tables are stacked with canned and packaged goods, frozen food, fresh produce and some personal care items for guests to select from.  Guests may return every week.  A posted sign simply states, “Take what you need and remember the needs of others.”

                Remembering the needs of others is the hallmark of the Community Market. In 2019 the Market had 2,394 household visits representing almost 4500 individuals; 55 families received turkeys and other groceries to prepare their Thanksgiving dinner given out at a special market event.  Certain times of the year are marked by offering special items, for instance, hundreds of socks, gloves, scarves and hats were given out during the early December markets and at the end of the month bags filled with brunch items were included in the usual market. In February we handed out shopping bags decorated with love by local school children. Located in a seaside resort town, the Community Market is located three blocks from the Towers, an iconic symbol of Narragansett. The neighborhood at the ocean’s edge is filled with million-dollar homes and in the summer welcomes thousands of fun-seeking beach and restaurant goers.  But the affluence is deceiving as nestled among the trim hedges and professional landscaping are pockets of affordable housing and people struggling to pay their bills and put nutritious food on their tables.  A number of older and disabled Market guests, who have no transportation, walk to the market.  Many carpool.  Some use public transportation and one rides a bike, in all seasons and kinds of weather.

                Market guests span the ages.  There are elderly, retired people trying to stretch their social security dollars.  Many care for grandchildren and some take in foster children.  Other guests suffer from illness or disabilities which prevent them from being employed.  Every week sees new families added to the rolls.  The doors are open to all who need assistance without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, immigration status or documented financial need.

                The Community Market runs on a budget separate from the operating budget of the church, receiving income from individual donations, grants, investment income, fundraisers and local businesses.  The all-volunteer Market staff consists of two co-chairs, a statistician, a buyer, four managers-of-the-day, and approximately 70 people who take turns coming in to set up, distribute food and clean up on Friday Market days. Some are retired, some rush to the Market after work to lend a hand and others rearrange work schedules to be available.  Some of our guests have also become volunteers. We have welcomed high school students, scout troops, fraternity and sorority chapters and others throughout the community. A few volunteers come to the church on Tuesday mornings to offload the order of food from the RI Community Food Bank truck, our chief resource.  Some collect excess items from the food organization RICAN in Charlestown on Friday morning and bring them to the Market.  Others help with annual food drives from the local Boy Scout troops and from the Dollar Store, or at the special Thanksgiving Market event. Still others help with grant writing, with special food intake drives, and with managing the overall functioning of the Market. Whether it is a volunteer, a financial supporter, or the neighbor who gives canned goods, all are united in remembering the needs of others.  And each has discovered that no matter what is happening elsewhere in the world there is a great gift in helping those in need in the local community. 

                In 2017 the Narragansett Chamber of Commerce recognized the work of the Community Market by awarding it the James M. Kelso Award, an annual recognition given by the Chamber to a local entity that has proven to be giving back to the community.

                All are welcome to visit and see the Market in action on any Friday from 3-5pm at St. Peters by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, 72 Central Street, Narragansett.  For more information call 401-783-4623 or email