

Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth. (Psalm 96:1)

St. Peter’s is home to a vibrant and growing group of singers and musicians who dedicate their time and talents to the Lord throughout the church year. We gladly welcome newcomers; no experience required.

For more information Click Here



God has given us minds, as well as hearts. After all, Jesus taught that the greatest commandment was to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37).” At St. Peter’s we take seriously our responsibility to learn and be educated in matters of faith.

During the year there are classes and programs for all ages, seeking to satisfy, inform and delight people of all backgrounds. Sunday School for children and adults is of central focus, offering people weekly opportunities to learn about God and our faith. But St. Peter’s also offers other programs through the year and encourages attendance at lectures, seminars and presentations around our area. If you are looking for a place that takes Jesus’ command seriously and devotes itself to stimulating faith through the mind, as well as the heart, then you will feel right at home here at St. Peter’s. Check out our calendar for coming events and classes.



Taking our cue from the Rule of St. Benedict, the Hospitality Committee at St. Peter’s strives to live into his direction to, “Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for He is going to say, 'I was a stranger and you welcomed me.’”

Here are some of the things we are working on:

  • Host several wine-and-cheese parties each year where newcomers and established members can get to know each other better;

  • Stock the activity bags for children with fun things to engage them during the service;

  • Follow up with newcomers and visitors who have filled out a Welcome Card;

  • Keep the church stocked with Welcome Cards and Welcome Packets;

  • Personally greet and converse with people who are new to our church especially at social gatherings;

  • Make the church grounds more welcoming (better signage, labels on foods)

  • Extend our welcome out into the surrounding community by giving outside groups meeting space; and

  • Help ushers to be gracious hosts.

We are always interested in new ideas that embody our philosophy of hospitality, welcome and invitation, and we invite you to join us in this holy and important work.